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Planning 2018

...Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
Having a new year resolution is not just okay. You should have a vision, a goal and run with it, don't walk, run. A lot of the resolutions prefacing the new year result being effective only short term. People just settle down to set things they'll stop doing and others they'll start doing and end up breaking it by the end of 2nd week of January.
Sometimes, this could be bcoz of distractions and then next year they set same resolutions and same thing happens. The first definition of insanity (madness) is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Get engaged in a vision, a goal. Get so tight that there's no time for idleness that results in faulting.
Maybe, the goals of 2017 were not achieved. Include them into the list for 2018 & go for it 100%.
Leave the past in the past, plan the future for the best. The regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow are enemies of today’s happiness. Be happy and be optimistic, don't give up and don't give in. Employ new stratagem and make it work, be that person that will go for it and get it done.
You shouldn't be someone who just waits for circumstances to lead his life, make things happen and take no surprises. Don't say "whatever will be will be" make what you want be. If you were told 2018 is bright or blessed or whatever, you were informed because it's your responsibility to make it bright and blessed. 2018 is not a person, it has no intelligence; it's just a time interval invented by men. It's not pregnant for anything, neither is it bringing anything to you. You're to mold 2018 into what you envision or the natural order will help you do that and you sure don't want that.
Happy New Year in Advance.


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