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Showing posts from December, 2017

Planning 2018

...Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Having a new year resolution is not just okay. You should have a vision, a goal and run with it, don't walk, run. A lot of the resolutions prefacing the new year result being effective only short term. People just settle down to set things they'll stop doing and others they'll start doing and end up breaking it by the end of 2nd week of January. Sometimes, this could be bcoz of distractions and then next year they set same resolutions and same thing happens. The first definition of insanity (madness) is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Get engaged in a vision, a goal. Get so tight that there's no time for idleness that results in faulting. Maybe, the goals of 2017 were not achieved. Include them into the list for 2018 & go for it 100%. Leave the past in the past, plan the future for the best. The regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow a...

Meaning of Christmas

Merry Christmas to you.  Merry: Happy Christ: the anointed one and the anointing Mas: Carnival Celebration (West Indian word) This means Happy Christ Carnival Celebration to you. This is the period we celebrate Christ, the birth of our Savior, the Messiah. Not everyone celebrating Christmas know what they are celebrating. Some think it's just time to be merry with family and friends or go out to all sorts of places and have fun, eat Christmas rice, food and drinks. But what's Christmas rice without Christ. What's the need celebrating Christmas without Christ; without having Christ; without being born again. The son of God became the son of man so the sons of man become sons of God. He came to give us life; anyone who doesn't have Zoe (the God kind of life) is dead to God. He is dead spiritually, alienated from God. God told Adam that when he eats of the apple in the midst of the garden he'll surely die and he did. He was alienated (cut off) from his sou...

Tithe Debate: Theology versus Evidence

By Ifedayo Babalola Profiling the Nigerian anti-tithe coalition is no mean task. For, it is a potpourri assembly comprising many non-Pentecostal Christians, old church reverends, adherents of such other faiths which consider Christianity a heresy against God, 24-carat atheists and people, who, frankly speaking, never cared about any public issue debate other than which of the P-Square brothers married the more beautiful wife. Some say a number of Pentecostal church members as well are closet anti-tithers and were happy to assist outsiders who attempted to upset the ecclesiastical status quo. And so important was this task that such a diverse congregation put all differences aside to mass under the ministration of OAP Freeze, who ironically, was himself a Bible-quoting sort of alternative Daddy. The task of profiling a tithe payer is nevertheless made easier; and for this, we have the anti-tithe heroes to express our gratitude. Tithe payers and offering givers, we were told, are a bu...

Why people always want something in return

She asked me, "why do men always want something in return? ". Then I replied "it's normal". She paused and looked at me. I could tell that was not the answer she expected. But I was definite. I did not think long before giving that answer because it was obvious. Firstly, John 3:16: God so loved the world that he gave his only son, whosoever believes in him would not perish.... Even God gave us his son for something in return, which is for us to believe in Jesus and declare him our Lord. Meaning he gave us so we give him our lives in return. This example is obviously not for a selfish reason because he did it for our best. So there are two (2) forms of reasons people give help or offer of themselves. Firstly, for selfish reasons, then for our own good. Your parents send you to school so you become something in life (it's for a reason). They did it wanting something from you: that is your success. While, a man can shower you with gifts and good stuff fo...

The good writer

The art in her writings, the reason I'm glued with attraction. The way she minces the words, even the proverbs so enticing to read. Like a properly dressed meal even though it might taste bad. I could read it over and over; and fall in love with it over and over. What's the science behind my falls? The artistry could be one , the encapsulating plots could be another, the writer handles the rest. A silent soul is a large book to the philosopher and every reveal induces more suspense amidst his heart. So much to discover. You fall in love with the cover. Would barter so much for it's content. The good writer's a gift to our souls.

Impossible's possible

Impossible is temporary. Impossible is a dare. Impossible is a boundary. Impossible is a limit. Impossible is just a level. And it's just a word. Impossible's waiting to be proven wrong. Impossible respects the limit breaker Impossible is gonna be the past It's a matter of who's gonna make it past Impossible's today, possible's gonna be tomorrow. Between Impossible and possible's just time. Besides, the word says I'm possible.