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12 Characteristics of Cheats in a Relationship

1. They have narcissistic tendencies.
They are generally self-centered and have no empathy. They are selfish greedy and often think only about themselves. Generally, people don’t cheat because they are afraid of the guilt, unlike a narcissistic person who is bereft of the guilt.
2. They are over flirtatious.
Not all cheaters are flirts but most cheaters tend to display overly flirtatious behaviour sometimes. At times they will also flirt in front of you if it is not a big deal.
3. Their thrill-seeking nature
Cheaters generally have a thrill-seeking nature. They tend to hook up regularly while being in a committed relationship more than once. When caught, they may pretend to make things right but go back to their original nature soon after.
4. They idolise a cheating lifestyle
They are greatly influenced by characters who cheat and tend to like them. They live like them because they relate to them.
5. They are insecure
Many cheaters become who they are because of their bitter past which have left them with lifelong emotional scars. They feel that they do not deserve their partner and so the insecurity arises. They begin to fall for the opinions of those outside of their relationship and to cater their loneliness, they cheat.
6. They forget things
They tend to forget your birthdays and over a period of time your tastes too. They forget things they promised to you like taking you out on a date on Friday night.
7. He is suspiciously more unresponsive
He begins to hide his phone when someone calls and constantly changes his passwords.
8. They begin to criticise everything their partner does
All of a sudden they have problem with their partner’s looks or their weight. Everthing their partner says or does irritates them.
9. They become excessively needy
They will do anything to get your attention, time, money and other things. They will do things like faking an illness just to get your attention and when you find about their deceit, they will simply blame you for not giving enough time.
10. They do not respect others
The way someone shows respect for others generally tells a lot about his personality. If a person has a very trivial respect for his loved ones, it tell us regarding the amount of respect he will have for his partner.
11. They feel powerful
Generally, powerful people tend to have affairs because the power, instead of building their confidence, gets to their head,
12. They get jealous
Cheaters constantly question their partner and accuse them of being a flirt. They are absolutely finne when they are lying but lose their mind if they find their partner talking to someone of opposite gender.


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