Our world currently is filled with so many new inventions, innovations and new set-ups which are ever increasing and a constant 'k' in these advancing societies. Some times, it could seem like ideas are running out. But don't let your eyes or reasoning be clouded.
"Don't let your eyes or reasoning be clouded" - I said that earlier to identify that some people aren't looking at the right thing or more so, are letting these idles (of all ideas consumed) cloud them.
Think outside the box. Growing up in a country such as Nigeria where its majorly believed among-st the masses that there's insufficiency of money or "the politicians have it all"; "He gets so high surmounting salary and still loots so much". It is the norm that there isn't money.
I once talked to a friend about various businesses and their potentials. He then said to me, "I have a great idea of a business but I just need ____million naira to start up". I felt sorry for him, because he had taught of the amount required to start up but not how to raise the required capital. Probably, he could wait forever and not receive such amount of money except after a long time savings after which his youth might have been spent off.
I'm gratefully blessed to have had been drifted into the observance of various great personalities and their words. At a certain time, working with one of these figures in a team of which he headed, one of our team members got an idea of a great plan of which would be a huge step towards our vision. We talked vaguely about it in that meeting; we firstly understood that it would cost us amounts of which deemed humongous; and we understood the merits of its implementation. When it came to our team leader to give the say (I learned a great lesson in his response), He said we should go ahead. In that meeting we made commitments (financially) and gave partly of what we had then at hand. Leaving that meeting after making such commitments, this project rang in our heads. It literally propelled us to take certain actions because we had put in commitments most of which were valuable.
Matt 6:21 - Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Most times we're the best propelling force for great actions. We had same vision, understood the results we would get if that project was implemented and already had our treasures in. We ensured by various spirit given and brain stormed ideas that the project was completed; and it was.
One point you should have observed here is:
Just start, no matter how small, just start.
Then make a commitment, it could be from you; other investors or even borrowed money from various sources (at least you have to ensure to pay back) this is a propelling force. As I stated earlier from the Bible, "where your treasure is, there will your hear be also". Don't be afraid to make losses, it just makes you a more experienced investor. But ensure you win, ignore the losses set your gaze on the price.

As I stated earlier we're in a fast paced system, entrepreneurs springing everywhere. This is because there're a lot of problems in the world. Needs are everywhere, the need for better food, improved way of lifestyle, better communication means and work situations.
Take advantage of these needs and meet them in the process you create money. Money is usually pursued by the poor but made by the Rich. Remember that.
There was a need to network the world, a platform where you can view the details of another person and remain in mutual contact with that person. A lot of persons might have seen this need before, but probably ignored it, or said " I have no money". But Mark Zuckerberg took advantage of this need. Made the world better and perhaps enriched his loins.
"First step to Success :- locating a need, and taking action to meet that need", truly the words of a great man (Rev. Chris Oyakhilome). Zuckerberg located the need and met the need.
Don't pursue money, meet a need, its an ingredient in making money.
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